quinta-feira, fevereiro 15, 2007

Grandes Séries (5)

"You Rang M' Lord?" (1988 - 1993)
"This series examines the relationships between the servant staff and the occupying family of an upper class British Household during the 1920's. What is good about it is that each character is extremely well analyzed and developed and when you follow the series from one episode to the next, their is a rigid consistency in the way each of the characters behaves. What is good is that the satire concerns everyone, it is not an anti-upper-class satire, the humbler characters are portrayed to be just as scheming and below-the-belt as the aristocratic ones"... ..."The series is typically English humour, I am not sure whether it could be appreciated by foreign audiences as some prior knowledge of the English class system is necessary - but once you get into it and become familiar with each of the characters - you cannot do without it !"
A série passou em Portugal no início dos anos 90, penso que na RTP2 em horário pré-telejornal das 20h. Em memória ficaram-me para sempre algumas das suas personagens, como Lady Lavender sempre vestida da respectiva cor. Existe em DVD e também se recomenda à RTP Memória a sua reposição. Imperdível!

1 comentário:

Eurydice disse...

Era absolutamente deliciosa! Do melhor!