quinta-feira, outubro 12, 2006

When I Look at the Pictures - Lawrence Ferlinghetti (5)

“Don Juan Discovered By Haidee”

Hot dog I got me a naked lover
cried out Haidee
when she discovered Don Juan
lying knocked out & naked on a lonely strand
in Ford Madox Brown’s old classic painting
and Don made it to the beach with an oar
even though his boat had an hole in it
and lay overturned on some rocks offshore
And here’s Haidee hanging over Don
and stroking him (God what a hunk)
while another pulchritudinous virgin
hovers about with a
wish-I’d-seen-him-first look
And well anyway it’s a
fine golden eve at the end of the world
with promise of a hot night with
a beached knight
if only Don when he waketh up
and sees Three’s crowd
can somehow get rid of his other
swooning enchantress which
ain’t going to be too easy on
this here desert island with
the last boat sunk and
him the last man in sight
on sunset earth

Poema de Lawrence Ferlinghetti para "The Finding of Don Juan by Haidee", 1878, de Ford Madox Brown. National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne

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